Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blue and Gold Dinner

At the end of February Caden's troop had their Blue and Gold dinner. Caden received his wolf badge. He worked very hard for this and we are very proud of him. The Scout theme for this month was "Happy Birthday" as the Cub Scouts were celebrating their 100th birthday. So for the pack meeting the troop held a mother/son cake decorating contest. After a dinner of pizza, garlic bread and salad, Kevin Shelton entertained everyone with a cool magic show. As Caden really likes magic tricks this was right up his alley. The boys then received their awards and rank advancements. The cakes were judged and then the awards were given. Caden and I received the award for "Most scouting spirit". He was really pleased with that. The cakes were then served as dessert. Overall it was a very fun evening. My favorite part was coming up with the cake design and then spending time with Caden as we decorated it. That was one of the most memorable and fun things we have done together. Below are some pictures of that evening.
Hard at work
Some close-ups:
A scout learning archery
A fishing scout
A hiker in the back left corner.
And no camp out is complete without a tent and campfire.
The reader represents the adult taking a break.
The overall view.
There is only one tree and dirt because we camp in the desert out here.
Caden with his masterpiece.
Caden receiving his wolf badge.
He is such a good scout and we are very proud of him.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen!

    Okay, I'll try once again. I tried to leave a message earlier but it didn't work, I don't know why...

    I love the new design of the blog! I mean I liked the one before, too, you know. I like your choice of colors. And the new picture at the top, it truly is beautiful :)

    Oh, and I like your Cub Scout cake :)

    Habt einen schönen Tag!
