I know Connor's Birthday was months ago (May 31st), but I wouldn't want to miss anyone. The end of the school year was pretty crazy and it was all I could do to remember his birthday. Connor has certainly turned out to be the best surprise I've ever had. He is such a cute little guy and boy, does he know it. He says the darndest things and makes us laugh. For example: The other night at dinner he was reaching for the bowl of fruit salad and looked like he was trying to use the force to make it come to him. Don was laughing and told him to put his arms up and "Say the magic word..." While Don was trying to come up with a silly magic word, Connor-with his hands in the air-says, "Please!" We got a pretty good laugh and gave him some fruit. Another funny story: Last night he ran over to the front door and begins counting, "3, 2, 1, 18, 20 ready not here I come." We weren't even playing hide and seek. I guess he thought it would be fun to do and tried to get a game going. Too bad it was bedtime! He also loves to sing and dance--He sings the Barney song: "I love me. I love you." What a character! Aside from being funny, he is a typical 2 year old. Loves cars, trains, dinosaurs, dirt, and "playing" soccor (he's actually quite good at dribbling the ball). He can be a little ornery at times, but he also loves to help and cuddle with mommy. When mommy is not available, Sierra is the next best thing. He loves his big sister and she is amazing with him. She can calm him down sometimes when I can't. He actually gets along with everyone pretty easily when he is well rested and fed. He follows the older kids around and joins in their games. He and Carson play very well together most of the time (they are still learning how to share). He loves being Dad's buddy and likes to wrestles and have tickle fights. We are so glad he is a part of our family. We love you, Connor!
Running With Dallin
8 years ago